Become a Functional Medicine Patient

Functional medicine seeks your health transformation using a whole-person, root-cause approach.

Attend your free functional medicine orientation at Cornerstone today and take your first step toward preventing & reversing chronic illness.

We have carefully designed a four step process to guide & solidify a lasting health partnership with your goals in mind:

1. Attend a Virtual New Patient Orientation 

Our 60 minute virtual “meet and greet” covers the unique functional health foundation, advanced diagnostic solutions and flexible care delivery models of the practice. The aim is to introduce the integrative ways we as a practice and community can partner with you to best meet your personal health goals.

2. Complete a Comprehensive Health History 

This is unlike anything you have experienced in a medical survey.  You are guided online through a multi-faceted series of questions.  Upon completion, a comprehensive personal health and lifestyle timeline is created. This informs all parties of your journey including pressing health concerns and underlying chronic health themes.  It serves as the launch pad of the partnership.

3. Schedule a Strategic Health Assessment

Your 60 minute, Strategic Health Assessment with one of our physicians certified by the Institute for Functional Medicine entails: a detailed discussion of your health story and medical records, a comprehensive blood test and physical exam. Throughout the encounter, essential treatment and lifestyle elements will be discussed and underscored.  At the end, a clear and strategic pathway to health optimization will be established.  Commitment is crucial.

4. Craft a Signature Health Partnership

Your season of life is unique. Your health goals are unique. Some seasons are wellness oriented and few interventions are needed.  Great!  Consider us your general Family Medicine Home/PCP.

Other health seasons feel “stuck” and confusing. These seasons require a deeper and more focused engagement accompanied by a specialized suite of services.  We are ready!  Our goal is to get you back to feeling well again.

Like a stick shift in a manual transmission car, we work together to craft a signature health partnership geared for your particular health status- today.

Trust, flexibility, clarity and commitment.  That is our signature health partnership!